
Build their

The Modern Apprenticeship Program (MAP) strengthens educational outcomes by connecting schools and industries through work-based learning experiences

From Our School Partners

"Participating in the Modern Apprenticeship Program has been absolutely transformative for our students and Ben Davis University as a whole. Providing students with career-relevant experiences and access to hands-on learning on top of a college degree has the power to shape their career path and their entire future."

Steve Samuel
Principal, Ben Davis High School
Program Benefits

The Modern Apprenticeship Program (MAP) strengthens educational outcomes by connecting schools and employers through work-based learning experiences.

Strengthen educational outcomes
Connect students with paid work-based learning experiences
Fulfill graduation pathways
Create deeper engagement with employers and post-secondary partners
Recruitment Journey at a Glance

All apprentices enjoy a balanced schedule, dividing their time between high school classes, employment, and elective classes related to their chosen industry pathway, including dual-credit options.

*Varies by school

Success Stories

Meet Morgan

The Indianapolis Airport Authority gave Morgan the opportunity to tackle real-world problems and make money along the way.


It is important for students to apply for roles aligned with their pathway, ensuring eligibility for related coursework. Collaboration between the Career Pathway Manager, School Counselor and Work-Based Learning Coordinator facilitates coordination of school schedules, enabling students to have an early release for this career-connected learning experience.

EmployIndy plays a supportive role in students’ apprenticeship experiences, aiding in recruitment through resume and interview preparation. The Career Pathway Manager collaborates with schools each semester to ensure smooth scheduling placement, and related instructions for students placed with employers.

To participate in the Modern Apprenticeship Program, students need parental/guardian permission, good school attendance, and must be on track to graduate. They should provide proof of authorization to work in the United States and have schedule flexibility to incorporate work experience. Additionally, being in a pathway aligned with apprenticeship or eligible for related instruction is essential.

During recruitment for the Modern Apprenticeship program, the Outreach and Recruitment Specialist assigned to each school serves as the point of contact. EmployIndy’s Career Pathways Manager collaborates with the school to ensure pathway alignment, coordinate class and work scheduling, and facilitate enrollment in related instruction.


Modern Apprenticeship aligns with Indiana’s Next-Level Program of Studies (NLPS), but it’s important to note that the program itself does not award credits. The total credits a student receives are based on the available dual credits at their school.

Transportation is not provided. It is the responsibility of the student and their parents/guardians to coordinate transportation.

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Modern Apprenticeship for Employers

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